Hand on laptop keyboard


New: marking broken links as fixed

In Semonto, you can now cross broken links off your to-do list after you have fixed them. This helps you keep track of the improvements you have made.

Laurien Hart - 4 February 2025

Man holding phone with loading screen

Tips and Tricks

Optimise your website for a crowded internet

Especially now, with a lot of people working from home, the internet can get a bit overloaded. However, you still want your website to load fast because increased loading times have a negative effect on your bounce rate. In this blog, we discuss some tools and techniques to speed up your site and to reduce the network impact of your website on the internet.

Jelle Kalkman - 1 May 2020

Illustrative image of lego figure with a broken computer

Tips and Tricks

Does your website need HTTPS?

What is HTTPS and why is it important? A lot of people think that HTTPS only adds value if your website is a bank tool or if it contains sensitive data. Don't be fooled. HTTPS should be enabled on all websites. That means that you need it, too. Why? Read all about it in this article.

Jelle De Laender - 31 March 2020

Illustratie van een laptop met semonto en een nieuws site

Tips and Tricks

Wij waken gratis over je website tot de coronacrisis voorbij is

Om ondernemingen die getroffen zijn door de coronacrisis te ondersteunen bieden we Semonto gratis 4 maanden aan. We houden de webshop nauwlettend in de gaten en verwittigen bij de eerste problemen, zodat de ondernemer zich kan focussen op zijn bedrijf.

Jelle De Laender - 24 March 2020

Illustrative image of a laptop with semonto and a news site

Tips and Tricks

We will watch your website for free while you are fighting the corona crisis

We want to support other companies that are affected by the coronacrisis by offering Semonto for free for 4 months. Together we are stronger.

Jelle De Laender - 24 March 2020

Desk with desktop computer showing a news site.

Tips and Tricks

Now is the time to improve your online presence

All entrepreneurs are feeling the impact of the coronavirus. Your online presence is more important than ever. Find out what you can do today.

Kathy Salden - 16 March 2020

Screen shot of team management dashboard in Semonto


New feature: Manage your teams in Semonto

We added a feature that allows you to give your team members access to your Semonto account without having to share your own login and password.

Jelle Kalkman - 09 March 2020

Tweets about LinkedIn downtime

Tips and Tricks

What we can learn from LinkedIn's downtime

Last January, LinkedIn was down for three hours, and users were anxiously waiting for updates. What can we learn from this incident? Find out in this blog.

Kathy Salden - 11 February 2020

Illustration of laptop with 404 page and Google Analytics

Tips and Tricks

The SEO impact of downtime and how to avoid it

Will technical problems affect your position in Google? Is downtime bad for your SEO? Discover how downtime affects your search ranking.

Kathy Salden - 14 January 2020

Illustrative image of lego figure with a broken computer

Tips and Tricks

What to do if your website is down

Is your website down? There are some things you can do to figure out what is going on. In this blog, we will take you through the process step by step.

Jelle De Laender - 10 December 2019

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