Broken Link Monitoring

Semonto monitors your website 24/7 and immediately reports any broken links. This way, you can fix the link before anyone notices.

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Does your website have broken pages?

How many links does your website have? And when was the last time you checked all of them? Nothing is more annoying than clicking a link that doesn't work. We know, it is almost impossible to click every single link yourself. That is why Semonto is such a time-saver. Semonto automatically monitors your website 24/7 and notifies you immediately of any broken links so you can fix them.

What causes links to break?

A sloppy update

If you move a web page, file or image on your website and forget to update the link, the resource will become inaccessible and visitors will get an HTTP 404 message. The same will happen if you rename or delete a resource without using a redirect.

A typo

If you misspell the link you are trying to create, it will result in a broken link. For example, if you forgot to add ".com" when trying to link to our website.

An external change

A broken link is not always your fault. Most websites have links to external sources (for example: a link to a newspaper article in which you were featured). Those external URLs can change, even when you don't change anything on your website. And that change causes links to break.

Why fix broken links

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You save time

Just like your car, your website needs to be checked regularly to see whether it is still functioning. So, you could click every link on your website manually, but that would take hours. Also, you would have to do it every day because a link can break at any moment. Semonto does all this work for you automatically.

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Visitors are happy

When you click a link, you expect something to appear. If the link is broken, the only thing that will appear is a frustrating error message. Your web visitors will think “If you cannot get your own website to work, how will you be able to help me?” And that is the last thing you want people to think about you.

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Sales go up

Most businesses go through a lot of trouble to attract people to their website. But very few actually check what happens between the web visit and the actual sale. How many visitors failed to complete a purchase because a button didn’t work? Broken links could be costing you a lot of money.

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You rank higher

There are many factors that have an impact on your search engine ranking, and user experience is an important one. Search engines try to put the best and most valuable websites first, and that also means websites that do not contain errors or broken links. Regularly checking and fixing your broken links will eventually improve your SEO.

How it works

Get notified

Simply enter the URL of the website you would like to monitor. Semonto will immediately start checking all the links. Afterwards, you receive a report with all the broken links.

Fix broken links

Now that you know which links are broken, you can easily repair. Most of the time, broken links are super easy to fix. Semonto will tell you where the link is located, and why the link failed.

Feel great

You can relax, knowing that everything is running smoothly. Your web visitors are happy, your online reputation is safe and nothing is blocking your sales. If anything goes wrong, you are the first to know.

Find broken images

Semonto also tells you if there are any images that are not being displayed. These are called broken images. How it works: Semonto crawls your website and finds image URLs that result in an error code. These image URLs should link to the location where the browser can retrieve the image file. If this is broken, Semonto will tell you.

Mock up of a webpage with a broken image link.

Why Semonto?

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No installation or download

Semonto is an online application. That makes it super easy for you to use. You do not have to download or install anything.

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Check all pages on your website 24/7

While broken link checkers only tell you whether there are broken links right now (and then stop watching). Semonto will automatically and regularly check all pages on your website. You are notified immediately when a broken link is detected.

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Get a clear list of all broken links

Semonto collects all broken links in one clear report that you can share with others. You can download it as an Excel file or a csv for easy reporting.

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