Free Website Reachability Check

Is your website down? Do a quick test from multiple locations worldwide with our free reachability checker. Just enter your URL and get instant results.

Just enter the URL to test the reachability

We check whether your website can be reached from multiple locations worldwide.

Please provide a valid (public) URL


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Find out whether your website is down

Our free reachability tool gives you immediate insight into the availability of your website. All you have to do is enter the URL you would like to check. Our tool then tests your website to see whether visitors can easily access it.

Identify what is causing the problem

The results are displayed immediately. They help you verify whether your website is accessible, and if not - what is causing the problem.

  • You receive a status code and explanation (for example: ‘Everything is OK. HTTP 200’).
  • The results will also show you the response time, which is how long it took your website to respond (for example: ‘response time : 166.40223400000002 ms’).
  • We automatically check whether your connection is secure (for example: ‘SSL certificate is valid’).

These details help you understand whether issues are being caused by your server, a failing security certificate or something else entirely.

How to interpret the HTTP status code

When there is an issue with your website, the HTTP status code will help you understand what is going on. It is impossible to list all HTTP status codes here, but we can help you interpret the main ones.

Every status code belongs to one of five categories.

  • The ones that start with 1 are informative.
  • Status codes that begin with 2 indicate that there was no problem reaching the server. (That is why the ideal status code is 200).
  • An HTTP status code that starts with 3 indicates a redirection. For example, if you want to redirect visitors of your old web domain to the new one automatically. If that redirection is not working correctly, you will get an HTTP 3 status code.
  • The 400 range usually means that something went wrong processing the request. The most famous one is the 404-Not Found status code, which indicates that the page you are trying to find does not exist.
  • A status code that starts with a 5 is a server-related error.

Need more help interpreting your HTTP status code? We collected a list of most common error HTTP status codes in our How-To section.

What if the tool says that your connection is not secure?

The connection between your web server and your web browser should be encrypted for security reasons. If you comply with this requirement, an HTTPS certificate (also called an SSL certificate) is attached to the domain to let visitors know that the connection is secure. But just like any certificate, an SSL certificate has an expiration date. If the reachability tool tells you that your connection is not secure or that you have HTTP issues, you should verify the validity and status of your HTTPS certificate.

Want to know more about HTTPS/SSL? Read about it in our blog.

What if the tool confirms that your website is down?

If the reachability tool confirms that your website is down and returns an error code, there are some steps you can take:

  • Check the website of your>hosting company. If their website is not loading, the issue might be on their end. Their power might be down, or their network is having problems.
  • Check their status page if they have one. If they are having issues, this is the page where they will publish all the updates.

What if the tool claims that your website is not down?

What if a site is down for you but not for our tool? Then the problem is local and probably not all users are affected. This knowledge helps you narrow down the cause:

  • Maybe your device is not working properly or there is something going on with your settings.
  • Try restarting your computer.
  • Try a different browser.
  • Open the URL on a different device, for example, your smartphone instead of your laptop.
  • Use a different network, like your mobile network (3G/LTE) or a different Wi-Fi network.

Need more detailed instructions? We created an easy checklist to help you figure out your next move.

Why we check the availability from multiple locations

Our reachability tool checks the availability of your website from 4 different locations: New York, San Francisco, Frankfurt and Amsterdam. Testing from multiple locations is important because your site might be fast on one side of the world, but slow or offline somewhere else. For example, your website might be hosted on multiple servers on different locations through a geo-optimised CDN. Then the content will run on the server location that is closest to the end user, to give your users the best possible experience. A different server means a different connection and possibly a different status code. By testing your website via multiple locations, we check the reachability on all the servers.

Why checking once is not enough

This free reachability tool is an excellent way to get a quick answer to the question 'Is my website down right now?' But in reality, you want to know the status of your website all the time. That is where Semonto comes in. Semonto is a monitoring tool that watches your website 24/7 and notifies you immediately of any issues. This way, you can fix them before anyone notices. Why not try it for yourself? We have a 14-day free trial period. No credit card required. Get started for free.

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