Uptime reports

Semonto's uptime reports tell you exactly what went wrong with your website or server and how long each problem lasted. The monthly overview and events log help you identify structural problems that need fixing.

Screenshot of a uptime report in Semonto Supervisor

Have an answer for every question

When a website or server is failing, you have a lot of questions. What happened and why? Is it a one-time problem or did it occur multiple times? All this information and more can be found in Semonto's uptime report. With one click, you get the answer to your questions in a clear and user-friendly overview. And if nothing happened: even better! Then you can use the uptime report to prove your reliability.

Why you need uptime reports

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Measuring is knowing

If you don't measure anything, you cannot improve. So it all starts by knowing your current situation. Your uptime report tells you objectively how long your services have been available without interruption. It is generally expressed in a monthly percentage. Your uptime score is the best way to know how you compare to the competition and if your website is performing the way it should.

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To prove the quality of your service

If you are hosting or managing a website for a customer, you need to be able to prove to them objectively that it is consistently available without interruptions. Semonto will give you this information in an objective report that you can show to your customers.

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To improve your availability

The only way to improve the uptime of your website or webshop is to know when problems occur, how often and what causes them. Our uptime report is the best starting point for improving the availability of your services.

What our uptime report tells you

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What went wrong

See which tests failed and why. Get details and error messages for each incident.

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When it happened

See the exact month, day, hour and even minute on which each incident occurred.

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How often it happened

Was it a one-time issue, or are you dealing with a structural problem?

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How long it lasted

See how long a problem persisted to understand the impact it had on your business.

Find the root cause with these smart features

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Calendar overview

Our calendar gives you an easy overview of your performance on a monthly basis and shows in one glance on which days errors occurred.

Incident Report

Remember that server issue you had six months ago? Neither do we, but with our incident report, you can dig up a clear history of all events of a particular website at all times.

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Error details

Click on any incident to learn more about it. Get the exact error message, timing and duration of the problem.

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