Jelle De Laender 18 January 2021

NEW Free HTTPS checker

Latest news of Semonto - January 2021

A new year brings new cool features! We are excited to share with you that we are adding even more tests to Semonto. Read on to find out more. 

A steel chainHow many links does your website have? And when was the last time you checked all of them? We know, it is almost impossible to click every single link yourself. That is why we added a brand-new feature to Semonto: a broken link monitor!  Semonto now notifies you immediately of any broken links, so you can fix them. Find out more.

How we experienced 2020

The Coding Mammoth office2020 was a weird and unique year for everyone. The COVID-19 pandemic affected all of us in one way or another. Luckily, at Coding Mammoth, the company behind Semonto, we were already working fully remotely and our sector was not that affected. Still, we felt the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read how we experienced 2020.

NEW: free HTTPS checker

A person working on a laptop shown from aboveHave you ever seen this message when you were trying to visit a web page: This connection is not secure?That problem is usually caused by a missing, outdated or revoked HTTPS certificate. Are you sure that your website is not sending out the same warning, scaring visitors away? Find out right now with our new FREE HTTPS checker.