Jelle De Laender 21 October 2022

NEW Broken Link Timeline

and other updates from Semonto

Check out what we have been working on this month đŸ‘‡

Broken link check results in SemontoWe have added a chart that shows you the evolution of the number of broken links on your website in the last 30 days. This helps you see whether your fixes were successful. Read all about it on our blog.

Visible TLS/SSL Certificate Chain

The SSL certificate details in SemontoWhen your website has TLS/SSL certificate errors, you probably want more information. Now you can review the full TLS/SSL certificate chain in Semonto to localize the root cause of the problem. Check it out.

Our Quick Guide about Hosting

A server roomWho is responsible for your hosting? What is the difference between shared, dedicated and cloud hosting? And how can you measure the quality? In this article, we answer all hosting-related questions. 

We Need Your Help

A Product Hunt badgeAs a small start-up, we need the support from our community (that's you!) to stay competitive. We would love it if you take the time to give us a quick review or like on Product Hunt, Capterra or your app store. We see all the reviews and really appreciate them. You make a difference! Give us a review.