Jelle De Laender 1 February 2024

Behind the scenes of a website agency 🔍

Steal their best practices

We hope you have enjoyed the holidays and are working firmly on your New Year's resolutions. If your plan is to improve the health of your website, we got you covered. Read all about it in this month's newsletter.

Our 2023 Wrap-up

Happy new year illustrationEach year, we love to take a moment to look back at everything that happened over the last twelve months. Read along as founder Jelle gives you a recap of what we have been up to in 2023. By the way, thanks for being part of our community!
Semonto's wrap-up for 2023

How PandaPanda Uses Semonto

The PandaPanda teamThese days, creating beautiful websites and apps is not enough. You also have to keep them up and running. We asked digital agency PandaPanda how they use monitoring to make sure that their products stand the test of time.
Read the testimonial.

Quick Tip of the Month

A mock up of a performance report from SemontoEvery month, we e-mail you a report showing you how your websites have performed. But did you know that you can generate this PDF whenever you want? You can even choose which tests you want to include in the report.
Find out how in this short clip.