Jelle De Laender 21 June 2023

Are these coding mistakes harming your website? 😱

and other updates

This month's newsletter is packed with actionable advice. We also made some improvements to Semonto. Check out what we have been up to 👇.

Are These 7 Coding Mistakes Hurting Your Website?

A picture of a code editorDid you know that poorly written code harms the performance of your website? Here are 7 mistakes you want to avoid when coding. Check them out here.

NEW: Opt Out of Monthly Reports

A performance report from SemontoEvery month, you receive an update from Semonto about all the websites you monitor. If you don’t want to receive this monthly report, you can now opt-out in your account details.

NEW: See Your Notification History

A screenshot of notifications sent by Semonto In your notification settings, you can now see the history of the latest notifications sent from Semonto. This way, you can verify whether all our alerts were successfully sent, which is especially useful when using webhook integrations. 

How to Monitor Cloudflare Sites

Cloudflare logoCloudflare can be a useful tool to make your website faster, more secure, and more reliable. But what if it gets too strict and blocks something that you actually need, like your monitoring tool? Here's what to do if Cloudflare denies access to our crawlers.