Jelle De Laender 27 July 2020

6 ways an uptime report improves your website

Latest news of Semonto - June 2020

If you are already using Semonto, you might have noticed some improvements in the last month. That's because we have been working hard behind the scenes, listening to your feedback! Please keep telling us what you think, so we can make Semonto even better. Here's what we have been up to in July: 

6 ways to improve your website with uptime reports

Uptime report in SemontoThe best way to track the quality and availability of your website is through an uptime report. In this article, you will find out which new features we have added and how our uptime reports help you stay in control of your website. Read  the article

NEW: Testing from San Francisco

San Francisco skylineWe added a new location to monitor your servers. We already had testing locations in The Netherlands, Frankfurt, Germany and New York, USA. And now, you can now also get your websites and servers monitored from San Francisco, USA. Please get in touch if you have any questions or remarks!

NEW: SSL/HTTPS Monitoring

A mockup of a browser showing an insecure connection warningJust like any certificate, an SSL certificate has an expiration date. HTTPS Monitoring helps you remember these important renewal dates. Semonto warns you when your SSL certificate is about to expire so that you can get your certificate renewed before it becomes a problem. Learn more.

Semonto just got even easier

A reachability test in SemontoCreating a new monitor in Semonto just got easier. We simplified the create monitor modal to the basic and really required elements. All you need to enter is the URL of your server or website. All features will be enabled and available for your monitor once the monitor is created. Let us know what you think!