Jelle De Laender 23 September 2021

Our broken link checker is out of beta 💪

Product Update Semonto - September 2021

We're excited to hear what you think!

If a link breaks, you want to be the first to know.
So by popular demand, we added broken link monitoring to Semonto.

We kept this feature in beta so that you could enjoy it while we continued to test and improve. And today, we are happy to announce that our broken link tester is out of beta. This is what it looks like:

The broken link checker in Semonto

This is how it works:

Get notified
No need to manually check websites to keep them healthy. When Semonto identifies broken links, you are notified automatically. You can then go to your dashboard and get all the details.

See the priorities 
To help you get a clear overview, we have added classification:

  • Internal broken links
  • External broken links
  • Critical broken links
  • Non-critical broken links

Export the results
Export the results to share them with your team or send them to the person responsible for website maintenance. Available formats are CSV, Excel and JSON.

Do a quick retest 
Do you want to do a retest after you have fixed the broken links to ensure that you haven’t missed any? Click ‘scan again’ to perform a real-time check.

Get started
Want to give our broken link monitor a try?
Head over to Semonto and enable broken link monitoring for your websites.
Look into our how-to pages if you need more detailed instructions.

Let us know what you think!
Is there anything you would like to add or improve? Let us know!
We love getting feedback.

That's all for now.

Kind regards,

The Semonto team