Jelle De Laender 7 September 2023

NEW monitor your website from India

and other updates

Check out what we have been up to this month👇.

Semonto Use Case

Kevin Van den Broeck from DecomundoHow important is your website when you have a design furniture company? Kevin Van den Broeck, CEO of design furniture store Decomundo, explains how he keeps his website up and running and shares some of his insights in our latest blog article. 

NEW: Monitoring from India

A globe with a flag planted in India Semonto always gets a ‘second opinion’ before alerting you. If your website or server is down, we verify the result from a second location. In addition to Europe (Frankfurt and Amsterdam) and the USA (New York and San Francisco), we have now also added Bangalore (India) as a testing location.

Tip of the Month: How to Pause Monitoring

Illustration about pausing website monitoringSemonto tells you when something is wrong with your website. But sometimes you already know that there will be issues, for example during planned maintenance. In Semonto, you can temporarily pause monitoring, and simply resume it afterwards. OK, show me