Jelle De Laender 16 August 2021

NEW A Cleaner Dashboard for Quicker Insights

Product Update Semonto - August 2021

Get the info you need at a glance.

Life is busy.
So, when you are monitoring websites, you really only have two questions:

  • Is everything OK?
  • Does anything require my attention?

With this in mind, we gave the Semonto home screen a make-over.

Semonto's dashboard

Now, when you log in, you are informed at a glance.
The main banner tells you whether:

  • Everything is OK (green)
  • There's something wrong, but it's not urgent (amber)
  • Something needs to be fixed urgently (red).

Further details are neatly arranged by topic to save you time.

We are constantly looking for ways to improve your monitoring experience. So if you have any more suggestions to improve Semonto, we would love to hear them! Send us your suggestions by simple reply to this e-mail. 

That's all for now!

Have fun trying out the new dashboard.

Kind regards,

The Semonto team