Craft CMS Monitoring

Is your website built with Craft CMS? With the Semonto plugin, you get notified when your website or server is not performing as it should. This allows you to fix the issue before anyone else notices.

Semonto Craft CMS plugin

Keep your Craft website healthy

Semonto is a monitoring tool that watches your Craft website and server 24/7. Whenever an issue is detected, you receive a notification. Decide who gets alerted and through which channel. You can even watch more than one website at the same time. From now on, you are always the first to know when your Craft CMS website goes down, produces an error or is slow to respond.

What you can monitor:

Keep an eye on your server

With our Semonto plugin for Craft CMS, you can also monitor the health of your server. You can define and configure the tests you want to perform and formulate your warning and error thresholds. The results will appear in Semonto's dashboard.

What you can monitor:

Server load
Memory usage
Disk space
Database issues
CMS updates

Benefits of the Craft CMS plugin

Server with warning icon

Less technical issues

When you are the first to get notified of any technical issues with the Craft website, users are less likely to encounter problems like error messages.

Hand with dollar sign

Higher conversion

Every button that doesn’t work, is a lost sales opportunity. Craft CMS monitoring keeps your sales funnel healthy.

SEO with upward arrow

Better SEO

Google penalizes websites that are not sufficiently secure or do not offer the best technical experience. Avoid a drop in the search results by keeping your Craft website in good shape.

How Craft CMS Website Monitoring Works

Get instant notifications

Whenever something is wrong with your website or server, we let you know. You can select your preferred notification method: text, email, webhook or push notification.

Consult the dashboard

In Semonto, technical data is collected in an easy-to-use dashboard. Get details about the timing of every issue, the duration, and the type of error. If you are using server health monitoring, the results will appear in your Dashboard.

Generate website performance reports

Every month, you receive a detailed website performance report in your inbox, as well as a detailed PDF you can share with clients and colleagues.

Avoid false positives

Semonto performs the same tests from multiple locations to avoid false positives. In other words, we get a ‘second opinion’ before alerting you. If your server is down in one location (for example, Amsterdam) we verify the result by testing again from a second location (for example, New York). Only if both test locations confirm the problem, we send out an alert. If you want, you can go even further and specify how long we should wait before notifying you for each test.

Our testing locations:

  • Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • Frankfurt (Germany)
  • New York (USA)
  • San Francisco (USA)
  • Bangalore (India)

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